
Se afișează postări din decembrie, 2019

Local Contest to Select 3 National Symbols

Guided by their Arts teacher, the pupils in ”Constantin Noica” Theoretical High School Sibiu, Romania started to draw in order to describe by means of their imagination the Romanian national symbols. Three of the best drawing were selected to be presented during the mobility in Romania and to create the project poster. We created a PowerPoint presentation with them by using two photos for each slide. Then, by using Slideshare, we created the material posted here. The Art teacher was very proud of the pupils’ drawings and of their idea to use own drawings to present their national symbols, not images from the internet. They improved in this way their art skills. This text was also posted on the project website by Tiberiu Sasca, teacher in ”Constantin Noica” High School Sibiu . Local Contest to Select 3 National Symbols from Gabriela Mirela Jugar

The First Disseminations on the Platform ””

On the platform “”, the coordinator of the project "Folklorica" ​​from "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu, Romania published the first disseminations on the personal page dedicated to the materials. This well-known platform in Romania is considered the portal of the modern teacher. The PowerPoint presentations of the dissemination of both the Polish and Romanian mobility made by the Romanian Erasmus team were posted here. Also under the heading "Materials", the coordinator from Romania, Mrs. Gabriela Mirela Jugar uploaded, to be seen by all Romanian teachers and other materials related to the song proposed to the partners for learning ("Alunelu" in phonetic transcription), the similarities and the differences between the languages ​​of all the project partners, the methodology, content and results of the mobility in Romania, with the benefits of participating in this activity of all those involved, as they were exposed in

The Mobility in Romania

To describe the mobility in Romania we have a video presentation, with English texts, made by the coordinator from Turkey, Umut Uysaler. The video presentation was posted here after uploading it to Youtube. The local media and the Sibiu County School Inspectorate were with the project team for the whole period of this mobility. We owe the success of this mobility to the parents of our pupils who have supported us in its preparation and development. We were proud to award the Activity Certificates on the last day of this fantastic mobility.( Mircea Dorca, teacher in ”Constantin Noica” High School Sibiu )

The Mobility in Poland

The first day of the short-term exchange of groups of pupils we all spent at school. The guests were invited in a Polish traditional way, with bread and salt, by the headmistress Mrs. Dorota Dorozińska and the main coordinator of the project Mrs. Mariola Podolska-Maculewicz. They were also introduced to the Polish wedding dances and songs prepared and performed by the youngest pupils of the school community. They also saw other kind of dance shown by two cheerleader groups. To get to know each partner country better there was conducted a guessing game on the topic of partner countries connected with national symbols and other important information. The pupils from each partner schools also presented important aspects of their countries, cities and schools. In the afternoon we visited the Town Hall and had a meeting with the major of Nidzica Mr. Jacek Kosmala who familiarized the international project members with our town, region and answered questions about some aspects of the Pol

Project Description - Amazing Activities in the Project

With the help of their parents or grandparents, the pupils involved in the project search for and translate into English the most interesting regional legends, adding to the translation the illustrations of vital points of the stories. They will draw and paint favorite fragments of legends heard during the Fairy Tales Evening. Each partner school will vote online on the best picture, one of each country which will be rewarded. The pupils will prepare an album with superstitions and folk wisdom. Through conversations with senior members of their families and neighbors, they become familiar with various superstitions and check which of them still exist in our regions. The next task is to find out which superstitions are common for all partner countries. The pupils will present traditional games. Each partner country shows project partners how to play the chosen traditional game. The description of the games will be done in English. Then the pupils in each school prepare a regional game t

Project Description - Learning about Customs and Preparing Workshops

In this project, the involved pupils learn about customs related to weddings in each country by the means of digital presentations prepared by each country. They achieve interviews with senior citizens from our regions about traditions and customs that used to be respected in the past. They prepare a report including the gathered information to present it to participants from partner schools. The pupils exchange information about national holidays and present them during videoconference. Together their teachers, the pupils organize a workshop on a chosen ceremony and customs typical only for the region or country. Each school organizes a culinary workshop conducted by elderly people (pupils’ grandparents and other relatives as a part of integrity with local communities) for pupils to take part in. The next step for each partner is to prepare the traditional cake. After the presentation of the baked cakes with recipes given partners draw lots and prepare the cake of a chosen country and

Project Description - The Active and Collaborative Project Work

For a better communication between partners we created a Google Group. The handcraft or art works exhibitions and bulletin boards are results with a multidisciplinary and trans-disciplinary character, promoting the impact of our activities and the Erasmus+ program. The tests prepared to select our school teams will enrich each coordinator’s portfolio. Many final products (booklets, albums, encyclopedia) will be included in our schools’ curriculum. By an active, collaborative learning and teaching of cultural themes we can apply the best methodologies. We share experiences, ideas and involve participants in decisions, promote pupils’ innovation and creativity like activity diaries, observation sheets, workshops reports etc. Through diagrams, we will prove the involvement in the project activities of our local education authorities. By games, folk dances and songs, the pupils have the chance to show how proud they are of their folk costumes, of their Little March amulets for spring comin

Project Description - Researches and Achievements in the Project

The pupils involved in the “Folklorica” project prepare a leaflet with information about the project related activities carried out so far. The leaflets will be distributed among local authorities, local media, newspapers, other local schools and other organizations involved in the project. The pupils will also prepare typical and expressive decorations of different regions of partner countries and a multimedia presentation. The results of pupils’ efforts will be distributed among local authorities and other involved organizations in order to promote the implementation of the project. Through research by contacting experts in this field, the pupils get to know and afterwards exchange information about various styles of building houses or other functional buildings in their countries. During some workshops, the pupils will learn how to crochet, to embroider and get to know other ways of preparing various decorations for home using traditional tools and techniques. They will also achieve

Project Description - Our Project Objectives

Our objectives are: to explain the role of folklore by seminars, slide shows, exhibitions, to provide pupils’ opportunity to work with partners, to form willingness to learn English language. We will organize yearly conferences in each school to promote the project and its program. First each partner school will realize in PPT or video presentations of their school, town and country. During the meetings, each school coordinator will share a few words about their national educational systems with the others. In each school a logo contest will be organized, voting on each school’s proposals during the 1st mobility and an Erasmus+ project corners will be arranged. After each of mobility, the participant pupils will write their impressions and send them to their partners. These impressions and the project articles from mass-media will be put in project’s portfolio as a monitoring instrument. The videos and photos of our workshops and seminars will be results and examples of good practices

Project Description - Integrating People Coming from Different Cultures

The reasons of our international meetings are: a better acquaintance of partners’ educational systems in seminars or workshops, the discovery of partners’ culture, language, traditions by direct contact, a wider teachers’ integration in European education community, a larger teachers’ competences development, applying strategies, methods learnt from partners, a real integration of our pupils in the European community, living in host families, cooperating with friends. The evaluation conclusions of each project activity will be included in the educational strategy of our schools, reflected in management plans, new optional courses or school subjects, contests and symposiums inspired by the project. They will be useful for us in the coming years, sharing them with young teachers in our schools, promoting them on didactic platforms. By sharing best practices, applying a whole school approach, building effective parent-school partnership, achieving action plans to use gained knowledge and

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