Project Description - Our Project Objectives

Our objectives are: to explain the role of folklore by seminars, slide shows, exhibitions, to provide pupils’ opportunity to work with partners, to form willingness to learn English language. We will organize yearly conferences in each school to promote the project and its program. First each partner school will realize in PPT or video presentations of their school, town and country. During the meetings, each school coordinator will share a few words about their national educational systems with the others. In each school a logo contest will be organized, voting on each school’s proposals during the 1st mobility and an Erasmus+ project corners will be arranged. After each of mobility, the participant pupils will write their impressions and send them to their partners. These impressions and the project articles from mass-media will be put in project’s portfolio as a monitoring instrument. The videos and photos of our workshops and seminars will be results and examples of good practices. (Umut Uysaler, coordinator, Vali M. Lütfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu, Turkey)


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