Hey Up, Mazury Is Riding Up!

The song the Polish partner team from Nidzica proposed one of the famous folk in Poland which is easy to learn, mainly the lyrics for only one stanza and the refrain, as well as the phonetic transcription was prepared in this respect. Its title is ”Hey Up, Mazury Is Riding Up!”. The song was sent to the others partners in ”Folklorica” project through the Google Group we have created especially for a good cooperation. The video film presents the song sung with the accompaniment of the guitar.(Mariola Podolska-Maculewicz, Gimnazjum Nr 2 z Oddziałami integracyjnymi im. Michała Kajki, project coordinator) https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=bXs9A9Zyrt4&feature=emb_logo


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