The Project Page on the Romanian Partner School Website

The Romanian team has already created the project page on the school website. This page includes: the type, purpose, objectives and description of the project, the deployment period, the target group, the partners, the European funding, the communication groups and the means of promoting the project. The school website and the project page are the responsibility of the Computer Science teacher, Mr. Mircea Dorca, a member of the project team. The page of the project "Folklorica" ​​is under the heading "Erasmus", together with the former (“Ecological literacy”, “Be Better by Learning!”) and current (“Strength of Cultural Minorities”, “Teacher Training in European Heritage and Religion”) Erasmus projects and courses of the "Constantin Noica" Sibiu High School.(Gabriela Mirela Jugar, coordinator ”C. Noica” High School Sibiu)


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